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Plugin for SmallBASIC to access GPIO pins on a Raspberry PI

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Push Button Example


In the following image you see the wiring of a push button. When you press the button, the circuit will be closed, otherwise the circuit is open. The button is connected to pin 4 and ground (see pin numbering). An internal pullup resistor will be enabled automaticly.

Wiring push button


import SmallBasicPIGPIO as gpio

const PIN_GPIO4 = 4

' Set GPIO pin 4 to INPUT. When a pin is set to input,
' the internal pullup resistor will be enabled automaticly

	key = inkey()
	' Read the state of the pin. It will return 0 or 1.
	status = gpio.GPIO_Read(PIN_GPIO4)
	locate 1,1: print(status)
until key <> ""

Connect two push buttons to the Raspberry Pi to the pins 20 and 26. The example demonstrates the creation of a button object and testing if the button was pressed. One button will use the ButtonPressed function, which will return 1 if the button is pressed. The other button will use the ButtonPressedAgain function. It will return 1, if the button state changed from not-pressed to pressed. If you keep the button pressed without releasing it, this function will return 0.

import SmallBasicPIGPIO as gpio

Button_1 = CreatePushButton(20)
Button_2 = CreatePushButton(26)

print("Press the buttons and see what happends")

	if(ButtonPressed(Button_1)) then
	    print("Button 1")
	if(ButtonPressedAgain(Button_2)) then
	    print("Button 2")



func CreatePushButton(Pin)
    local B
    B.Pin = Pin
    B.DebounceTimer = ticks()
    B.LastState = false


    CreatePushButton = B
end func

func ButtonPressed(byref B)

    if(ticks() - B.DebounceTimer > 10) then
        state = 1 - gpio.GPIO_READ(B.Pin)
        B.DebounceTimer = ticks()
        if(B.LastState != state) then
            B.DebounceTimer = 0
            B.LastState = state
        end if
        state = B.LastState
    end if

    ButtonPressed = state

end func

func ButtonPressedAgain(byref B)
    local ReturnVal

    ReturnVal = 0

    if(ticks() - B.DebounceTimer > 10) then
        state = 1 - gpio.GPIO_READ(B.Pin)
        B.DebounceTimer = ticks()
        if(B.LastState != state) then
            B.DebounceTimer = 0
            B.LastState = state
            ReturnVal = state
        end if
    end if

    ButtonPressedAgain = ReturnVal

end func

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